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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  FaintCalf24532Izanami ADC and went 4-12, he didn’t deserve to get carried this match
Season 10  Nardi WickMeh basteset as jung
Season 10  DandyPirsonVery annoying Chronos that is just full cooldownsThis guy comes out of 400 hour bans just to start trolling games again, just dodge, you will lose less
Season 10  OneForGhost-This was a decent Shiva Solo
Season 10  hugoxmen-gamerThis is one of the worst Poseidons ive seen on ranked
Season 10  ExStAcYJust another meh Chernobog trying to play with god cause he saw he is OP on youtube
Season 10  DiscipleofDeathGanesha support just OK
Season 10  Mitchman614Set jungle that is just meh, cant really solo anyone
Season 10  ST-KingofKingsPurple border Danzaburou that for some reason plays PvE, I mean WTF?
Season 10  Xerx9915This guy spams solo Ao Kuang to try and snowball, terrible decision being made here
Season 10  NoobMatapro57Anubis as mid, he was complete ass
Season 10  Dilio55Raijin was mid and when in when he was supposed to, so cant complainThis matchup was jungle as Bastet, he was diving in for kills 2 levels under!This time he went Arachne Jungle, and although he got his kills in, still lost due to dives at the wrong target
Season 10  STARboy_Bangs577ADC Danza was just meh
Season 10  MaskedKane316Decent Jorm solo, he just knew when to fight
Season 10  PhelipyAntoriumTerrible nox mid, races for cooldown, and just doesn’t know how to use it
Total Visits: 11795