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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  xl3 LAKExSolo that DCs when he doesn’t steam roll
Season 10  funiizer654Terrible Fenrir Jungle, cannot follow up, just ults for no reason
Season 10  CheapGinganatorXbal ADC couldn’t hit abilities though
Season 10  LLewis22Vulcan mid that was just Meh
Season 10  ThxrmiczLATAMMediocre Skadi as ADCXing Tian Support, just meh
Season 10  SassyKillSquadZhon Kui as Mid, just MehHorus supp that is decent
Season 10  SpiritualDemiseOK Jung played as Loki
Season 10  GikavirussTvThis Merlin was neither here nor there
Season 10  RailbotsNATroll that doesnt pick for his role, has been spotted playing warrior picks for adc and mids. Trash
Season 10  adamrg311W keying Freya as an ADC, waits to ride the snowball
Season 10  HiagoEtherionMeh support plays a decent Ganesh, but that’s about it
Season 10  pRc BerserkVery bad Jung, always out of position
Season 10  ThroughTheRealmJust an OK mid, Janus so not saying much
Season 10  TheBlackBeast83LATAMDecent Daji, knows his jung
Season 10  FleX-x-XiNn4uVery passive ADC as Cernunos, couldn’t convince him to attack
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