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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Maca2wilddThis Chernobog ADC had no idea how to play the god
Season 10  YoooogleRavana playing solo, it was just OK
Season 10  nnnnnnnnmThis Arachne was at least decent
Season 10  JR1405QArtio support W keys but not really effective in a team fight
Season 10  Gonza2530LATAMNemesis jungle, but didn’t really contribute much
Season 10  Morinaga03Osiris as Solo that was just OK
Season 10  VegettoBlueCLLATAMW keying Hera that did not deserve to get carried that match
Season 10  Chris_SANT10Nike solo that just doesn’t know how to keep his laneAnd is known to dodge when bans are not to his liking
Season 10  OoThuBBChitoODiscordia Mid that just feeds, incredible how terrible
Season 10  AstarothThis Arachne went full crit build but never fully committedGeb support that was just outplayed, not a terrible player
Season 10  KnownWooThis is a Tsukuyomi jungle that maybe had a bad streak
Season 10  gargunoLATAMShiva Solo, actually not bad
Season 10  SenpaiCultAgni mid but is actually meh
Season 10  JelliBelly69Clio as Jungle, just OKJust an OK Thanatos, but missed sythe way too many times
Season 10  funkyzeittLATAMInsists on playing Anubis support and complains when his team loses, should not be getting carried
Total Visits: 11793