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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  ALnelyBubbleNAQueuing up as solo and has no idea how to play the role, stick him in supp role where he can do less harm
Season 10  gdxcloudsLATAMThis player keeps queuing mid with no idea how to play the role, avoid queuing up with this person
Season 10  SSaiyanBluNAThis player seems to be learning the game playing ranked, doesnt know the order of abilities on any of the gods
Season 10  Fufox17USPlayer mid queues but doesnt know how to play the gods, scared to engage playing as Zeus, doesnt build damageDCs and dodges when salty with other teammates, at least has the decency of dodging to save us from a lossTerrrible Jungle has no idea how to play the game, just W keys and hopes for the best
Season 10  TSnuggieNAThis player does not take the ranked conquest games seriously, just leaves whenever he feels like it.
Season 10  KrogerPcatNAThis player queues for solo and goes assasin, blames teammates when there is no sustain in late game, trolly boy
Season 10  KaranatiUnkownThis ADC queuer picks a different ADC every match, has no idea how to play half of them
Season 10  Squill555UnkownThis player Solo queues but doesnt have the mechanical skills it take to pull off his picks, has no idea how to play Hel
Season 10  ThatDudeJulioLATAMTerrible mid that doesnt know how to engage an enemy, uses Pos ult to initiate without so much as a puddle first
Season 10  arielsuicide321LATAMSpams Chang'e and W keys his way out of matches, has no respect for ranked, will just continue to W key into whatever fight
Season 10  davidthaoneLATAMComplete noob ADC, plays Apollo just to ult out, has no idea how to keep a lane
Season 10  matrlxrevolutionNAGoes Freya regardless of the role, but doesnt know when to let go of the W key, will gladly step into a 3 and 4v1
Season 10  GabaVCXLIVLATAMQueues mid but has no idea how to play the role, cannot play even the simplest gods, misses everything with Doscordia of all characters!
Season 10  WOLFDOTSONUnkownSolo queues but cannot hold his lane, doesnt make calls, cannot team fight, needs to go back to practice on casuals
Season 10  juanpa141003LATAMWhen playing support role, this player is not so bad, but wants to trade jungle and doesnt know how to jungle as well as he supports. Let him support
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