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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  ethiodudeLATAMHere is another player that hasnt played a match since season 4 and decides his first game should be ranked conquest
Season 11  lauchamoreno27LATAMHas never played a ranked game in his life, and now that it has all reset, he decides to give it a try
Season 11  ShadyRK8ILATAMAnother season 11 noob trying to queue ranked for the first time
Season 11  SpideryBacchus9LATAMThis player is new to conquest, has never played a match outside of arena
Season 11  TheGreatBambi61LATAMSeason 11 has brought with it an uptick of noobs, should be negative MMR
Season 11  UkiyoeWhiteLATAMHas never played a game of conquest, season 11 made him take the plunge and spat him out
Season 11  F4FULATAMStarted Season 11 with a bang, has never played a conquest before, but decided to play ranked
Season 10  foriamyoursaviorNAA troll that thinks he is GM, and is stuck in bronze cause of other people
Season 10  CptInkLATAMYet another useless jungle that is bored so is experiminting with guardians on the role
Season 10  angelcruz9LATAMTerrible mid that has no idea how to build or what gods are supposed to be played mid
Season 10  CastawaFilly46LATAMThis guy mains support it looks like, he might not be as bad as the match turned out, but if he doesnt know how to not feed, I dont trust him
Season 10  UltGuzzler69LAAMHis name suits him, guzzles all ults, I think he logs on just to troll matches
Season 10  WarHero2013LATAMNo idea where he gets inspiration for his nick, he is useless, should be playing casuals
Season 10  MORTALkermit420LATAMClueless clown that has no business queueing ranked, cannot hit basics to save his own life
Season 10  Awsome Singer22LATAMHas no idea how to build and no idea how to play conquest
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