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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  JahjoBlahdahboLATAMSenseless as his name is, this player logs in to troll other people, thats what lives for, needs to get off and play some furry RPG
Season 11  SlawbyNAComplete trash, feeds then rages and costs you the game
Season 11  R3DLU1G1LATAMOnly joins ranked matches to troll, needs to be banned for life
Season 11  XuranoXLATAMDo not let this person jungle, has no idea what he is doing
Season 11  ROSExBUDDLATAMIf you encounter this player, you are probably in ELO HELL or maybe you just belong at 400MMR
Season 11  Descrets-LATAMI dont think this person had ever played a conquest match in his life, first one he got shit on and I dont think he will be back. GOOD
Season 11  TheRyuNekkoLATAMCan only play solo lane, if you give him any other role, he doesnt know what he is doing
Season 11  mikey v noobsEUHas a fake british accent and is a lane troll, doesnt play for his team, plays only for kills and his lane
Season 11  StyleRenderLATAMLoki Main that is delusional, whole team F6d at 10 mins cause of his stupid plays
Season 11  AkirraJoestarLATAMThe worst of the worst, a stinky apollo that steals jungle farm and jungle buff jsut to run around trolling the match, ban the apollo just so that he cant do this to anyone else
Season 11  wockywrld999LATAMNever trade this person the jungle role, he has no idea what he is doing
Season 11  PADRIGODLATAMJust dodge, he will feed if you have any kind of border, complete garbage of a human being
Season 11  SirofgLATAMHas no respect for ranked matches, will just up and leave his team dry.
Season 11  SilvaSmiterLATAMFancies himself a MASTER, but all he does is BM his team and get caught out of position, just dodge
Season 11  Zetto7LATAMThis guy trolls matches with his buddy daxvi1493, dont trade these clowns your roles
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