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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  The_Tea_SmugglerEUI dont know if its the ping from him playing from England, but you can tell this person cant hit abilities due to some problem
Season 11  The Narly BroNATerrible Jungle, dont let him play Baka, he is completely useless
Season 11  Its zAJLATAMLoki main, its best just to dodge if he locks loki, or better yet, block the loki
Season 11  foxwarrior12NAThis human being is suffering from mental issues, I am not a medical professional, but schizophrenia definitely comes to mind
Season 11  Vatiks101LATAMYet another Bronze 3 for some reason I am G4 and still get queued with this person
Season 11  RMEA CupidLATAMComplete dog ass, Loki main Bronze 3. NO BULL, just dodge
Season 11  Moy666LATAMSad Loki main that just gets people killed inting lanes
Season 11  LeoHaHaLATAMTrolling ADC lane so hard its embarrasing
Season 11  CoCoNarLATAMThis kid is prob still watching cocomelon and decided to play smite maybe a few months ago, dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  caras43xdLATAMPurchased an account and has never played conquest in his life, didnt have to grind to go into ranked so he has no idea hwo to play the game
Season 11  ApEXPlanetLATAMSad, sad player that will intentionally troll if he sees a diamond or purple border due to envy
Season 11  RyukGremoryLATAMJust a bad player, trying to translate his league plays to Smite
Season 11  DabUpDopeyOGLATAMDelusional player that has no idea how to play jungle
Season 11  JEFFCHINALATAMThis guy is just ass, no realy explanation needed here
Season 11  Yango WarriorLATAMHe has never played a game of conquest before and decided to try it for the first time in 11 years
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