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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  FlowerPatchNACompletely useless at any role, basically expects to get carried every match
Season 11  f99NAWent supp Ganesha, but cannot hit abilities
Season 11  ItsYourBoyRobbieNAClueless as mid, cannot hit abilities and cannot even hit a Pos ult a single time in a 30 minute match
Season 11  noeystarlightNAThis girl is begging for a report, expect to get carried in plat matches, no wonder she is hard stuck
Season 11  karimjc27NACannto play any role, just dodge
Season 11  ViscousComb203LATAMCannot hit water in the middle of the ocean, do NOT let him get ADC
Season 11  NoProbiScaleLATAMCannot play support plays gods that he has never played before
Season 11  DaT_Girl_SavageLATAMCannot hit basics to save his life, and mains ADC
Season 11  ImOnlyHuemanLATAMToxic player, wont want to actually supp if he gets the role, cannot hit basics if he gets ADCJust ran into him again, let him play solo, he can carry games as Amaterasu, maybe a 1 trick pony
Season 11  Determinebee07NAPlays straight W key all games, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, not a good player
Season 11  Au_BlurryFaceEUWhat a complete troll, will do anything to troll your game no matter the cost, dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  DarkSayin70LATAMDoesnt play his role, mostly goes troll picks for supp and solo, if you can afford it, dodge the game
Season 11  MataviejitasXDLATAMCannot play as ADC, Mid or Jung, try to avoid at all costs, cannot hit basics
Season 11  MiguellionareLATAMCannot build, cannot hit basics and just leaves games at 4 minutes if he dies once. Avoid going into a match with this clownHas gotten a tad better at playing solo, but still not a good player, W key works only sometimes
Season 11  Blaydex OPLATAMUseless player at anything, should be playing FIFA or something
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