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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  FabricioTMLATAMThere are no words, this is not a human being with a brain
Season 11  neonibLATAMThere are no words, this is not a human being with a brain
Season 11  AlejoSvdLATAMThis account is being used to duo queue and DC for enemy wins
Season 11  FlyLikeGreenzLATAMTrending as ragequitter at the moment, since ban system does not work, maybe avoid getting in a match with this person
Season 11  SmiteTrashAsfNANot sure why this player queues ranked, has a history of leaving matches, doesnt care about ranked, and still doesnt get banned for a considerable amount of time
Season 11  noh0LATAMWill straight up farm your jungle as mid, will W key as adc, Id say deserves to be in Bronze 5 where he cant hurt anyone
Season 11  Scorpionking1795LATAMYet another Loki troll, will loki troll and log in to feed enemy team if you dont trade him out of supp. Not sure why this person is not perma banned yet
Season 11  AfroCatLATAMDoesnt pick for his assigned role, jsut feels like trolling every match
Season 11  BadLookLATAMHis name really does suit him, it really is a bad look he is putting out missing 19 out of 20 shots, this is not an exageration, I counted them
Season 11  TommyKush99LATAMHas never played a game of conquest in his life, and logs in to play ranked of all things
Season 11  NTR_HaterLATAMTerrible Loki player, expects to get carried every match
Season 11  AntiWarchiLATAMCompletely useless at any role he is assigned, it looks like he is playing on an N64 at high res without an expansion pack
Season 11  manumanuelLATAMAnother gimmick player, plays jungle he has never played to try troll build he saw on a YT video
Season 11  Newton33LATAMCant hit abilities, plays Agni and misses stun 7 times out of 10, get this trash out of here
Season 11  Zopilote503LATAMHorrible gimmick player, only plays cheese gods and invades if adc minute 1, easy kill
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