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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  MilksteakToastLATAMThis is SMURFGT's second account where he logs into after getting his account banned, continues to do the same at lobby
Season 11  McRoberTTLATAMComplete troll, will pick Loki and just run around all match looking for KS
Season 11  PuckDropNACannot play conquest, so picks NuWa and ults on cooldown
Season 11  SMURFGPTLATAMExcuse for a human being, harrasses everyone at lobby and trolls the game, I would say dodge, but just make his game the worst game you can
Season 11  Thanatos0923LATAMExpects to get carried every match, mid and ADC did nothing both matches
Season 11  EternalGamerNAAnother toxic player that proves why this platform is needed, terrible W keing player
Season 11  MidoriElfLATAMThis player is just no good, will DC if he gets stuck with Solo lane
Season 11  Tank TyrrLATAMConstantly leaving matches, he is banned often, but should be perma banned at this point
Season 11  JaG4227LATAMI dont think he grasps the concept of this game, obviously avoid queueing up, dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  Aldebaran4DLATAMIf his name isnt indication enough, this person is not a Smite player, but insists on playing ranked conquest
Season 11  Leak BGLATAMWill just up and leave a match if you dont snowball at minute 3, avoid playing with this account owner
Season 11  Flynnstone29LATAMClueless as to what a conquest is or what a role is supposed to do
Season 11  dohko2785LATAMJoins ranked conquest to troll other players, has nothing better to do
Season 11  treyzxLATAMToxic player, thinks he is better than all , mostly average at supp, nothing else
Season 11  TheSHVLATAMPlays ranked to try and get carried every match
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