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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  aFloppingPancakeNAThis player is def on autopilot or on something, case plays like a macro key recording
Season 11  Carnifex812LATAMThis is probably a casual gamer that jumps into 1 game of every role but doesn't really know what he is doing
Season 11  MiddOrTrollLATAMI am very concerned as to how this person played enough smite to be able to join a ranked game, dodge if you see him
Season 11  Pu Pu PlataLATAMSuffers some kind of braindamage, shouldnt be playing game at all
Season 11  Joselo029LATAMHas many accounts and is banned in most on them, but still manages to get on ranked queues for some reason
Season 11  CleverCloverLATAMDoesnt play ranked conquest, I think he hops on once in a while to troll games
Season 11  BaconCrumbzLATAMShould not be playing ranked in any role
Season 11  Joe L hySteriaLATAMCompletely clueless even as a support, has no idea what the objective of conquest is
Season 11  Fate_DNGLATAMTroll picks most games, cannot play any god anyway, so it doesnt matter what he picks
Season 11  First_Son_o_GazaLATAMTroll picks his lane EVERY MATCH, cannot play any of his troll picks
Season 11  osakanuhLATAMLikes to play stupid god picks in roles that they dont belong in, nuwa jungle just to give you an example
Season 11  P4tron75LATAMYou can tell this guy is Bronze and will never leave Bronze, he is gate keepin Bronze HARD
Season 11  dragonkiller035LATAMThis guy is just plain bad, there is no saving grace here, doesnt know roles, doesnt know builds, dodge if you get him
Season 11  CAPT42NNADoesnt like to play his role, he rather troll pick and say he is good, its ok to pick warrior adc, and proceeds to feed
Season 11  Sonic_GooseTTVNAAlthough not bad at the game, he is gatekeeping, he decides he will throw a match a pick screen, just avoid this player
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