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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  madman6069NAThis Jungle queuer W keys into 3v1 fights and asks why we dont group after he dies.
Season 10  DANCISKYRIMNATerrible mid, has no idea how to play his role
Season 10  SmallJointNAPlayes for ADC, but cant hit basics, doesnt know the role enough to win his lane
Season 10  QahhavocLATAMHas no respect for ranked matches, will up and quit if he feels the slightest bit annoyed. Avoid queueing with this player if you can
Season 10  AGS_AsianKingLATAMTrolls the solo lane and then up and leaves when he has lost it
Season 10  Rommel2908LATAMCompletely trolling the ranked game, duo queuing with a same name and they both have no idea what they are doing
Season 10  surv1vorLATAMNo respect for ranked matches, leaves after he loses his lane
Season 10  shardslayer666LATAMThis player picks Freya regardless of the role, wants to just W key every match
Season 10  megakramNAHas no respect for ranked matches, will up and quit if he feels the slightest bit annoyed. Avoid queueing with this player if you can
Season 10  TeGustaLaYucaLATAMQueues for mid, but just trolls the lane, starts BMing his own team almost immediately, just dodge if you get him on your team
Season 10  daycraft88LATAMThis player is the prime example of why this page exists, terrible feeder no matter what role he is playing
Season 10  Ucant7killmeLATAMThis player expects to get carried every match and starts to F6 at 10 minutes if he team doesnt snowball, avoid at all costs
Season 10  reguardoLATAMTerrible player, doesnt matter what role he plays, dodge if you can, this can only end terribly
Season 10  Ivv1cho-LATAMThis mid was none existant, I would say you want him on the enemy team for an easy win
Season 10  ElShino350LATAMTerrible ADC that has no idea how to play his role, please avoid at all costs
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