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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  IAponte019LATAMArena gamer thinks fighting every fight is how you win conquest, dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  Llodaxx9030LATAMCannot Jungle to save his own life, try to trade him out or DC if you can afford it
Season 11  SmiteBanBotLATAMNot sure if this is a real account, but will DC for no apparent reason, might be a dive account for enemy team
Season 11  Fr33Smok3LATAMThisis a troll, try to DC if possible you will notice he does not pick gods for his role
Season 11  GanixxR5LATAMMade an attempt to solo, but I think he has only seen youtube videos of people soloing and decided to take a stab at it
Season 11  Hitman7162LATAMOnly plays cheese gods in the jungle, cannot carry a match if they ban his 2 gods, Tsuku and Arachne
Season 11  Smoke6928LATAMThe only reason this guy is not 300MMR, is because people keep carrying him up for some reason
Season 11  XDbochaLATAMClueless in any role, just try and dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  aj00927LATAMPlayed Cuchulain Solo and had no clue what to do
Season 11  Rav3LLyLATAMAs a Nemesis, this jungler is worth less than Vietnamese DONG! Take his role away if you get him on your tema
Season 11  assttuttooLATAMThis is a real MVP here, he will DC if he sees your stats here to not be positive. Real Gamer here
Season 11  FrostySummerVIILATAMCannot play mid, so just trade him out or dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  Plox_kickAS5678LATAMShould of known not to expect anything from someone with a name like this, utterly useless
Season 11  trent_wrighteousLATAMComplete with toxic behavior, this solo queuer doesnt perform in any other role
Season 11  FettySplooshLATAMMan cannot build, cannot team fight, cannot call out. Just try to stick him in support where he can just heal someone
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