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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  anddy2000LATAMPlaying as a jungle Thor, but Im pretty sure with a controller and no aim assist on, gutsy, but just no good
Season 10  XxSLICKYNICKIExXNAPlaying an ADC that im pretty sure he saw a YouTube video on and hoping for the best. Does not belong in anything over Bronze
Season 10  salinas2127LATAMThis player does not belong in ranked matches, he is 200MMR TOPS, misses ALL abilities with Poseidon of all gods
Season 10  k1ltuxLATAMThis player does not belong in ranked matches, not sure how he is queueing in matches over 200MMR
Season 10  MarcoGaleanaYTBLATAMTerrible trolling ADC that just doesnt want to play his role
Season 10  bigturkeykillerLATAMThis is a terrible laner, with no clue how to play the role
Season 10  MLGTheMessiahLATAMAlso an ADC, we lost to this team, but still can tell this player has no idea what he is doing
Season 10  LinksalarmclockLATAMCannot play any role yet, Id say he needs to go back to casuals
Season 10  XolirieynixiNANot sure what this mids deal is, but is apparently learning how to play the game queueing ranked
Season 10  AnymelsLATAMBronze forever and you better hope there is a dodge this match if you are matched with this person
Season 10  Shadowmancer01LATAMIf you are matching with this person, I feel sorry for you, this is now ELO Hell
Season 10  Solace69LATAMCan only play Anubis, and not even very well
Season 10  pwndbyjaven1NAThis player is so delusional, that he can finish a match 13-0 and still find blame on others. Simply amazing
Season 10  Kingsman3415LATAMThis ADC queing player does not know how to play the role, and does not respect the Ranked game
Season 10  ZIZIFOLATAMCompelte troll that actually queues to make others games not fun
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