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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  lllSonicyFoxyLATAMThis player can only play cheese gods, any relelvant god he picks up is auto lost.
Season 11  EL REY OSCURO10LATA<Complete trash, just try and dodge if you get this guy on your team
Season 11  FiloSeveraLynNAThis account is highly sus, joins matches only to DC, I think its enemy booster account
Season 11  RemDog49738LATAMThis player is irrelevant, first time he queued into a ranked match I think
Season 11  ShaqThe6GODNAI think this player has his keyboard locked to W, and like to blame his team for not being at pheonix when T2 is still up
Season 11  GamerJeansNADont give him any other role than jungle, he sucks ass at solo and doesnt really supp, just let him jung
Season 11  Zero4242LATAMTerrible at ADC, if you dont baby sit his lane, you will lose to his feed
Season 11  CONOWILLYLATAMPlays for solo queue, but has no idea how to build or farm
Season 11  Purkz xLATAMThis player up and leaves, either has terrible connection or doesnt have time to play the game
Season 11  SHOW-2G-UR-TDSLATAMNever plays his assigned role, not sure why he isnt 200MMR yet, but try not to give him carry or jung, he will troll
Season 11  DarkkrauseRLATAMTerrible at any role, its best to just dodge if you get this person
Season 11  emmaawesome11LATAMTerrible nuwa spam picker
Season 11  GaradrakeNAPlays as solo and picks gaurdians, cannot rotate, does not understand conquest
Season 11  predawnport690LATAMCannot hit basics and spams ADC, does not want to go practice in normies
Season 11  amills9LATAMUsing some form of ESP, isnt even subtle about it either
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