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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  MATMAN1811LATAMNot sure why he is queing ranked, doesnt understand what the conquest game even is
Season 10  Black_RoseReaperLATAMAll you have to do is view his match history, if he wins, its only because he was carried by his teammates, just ask him to play casuals
Season 10  TsukiKagu-tsuchiLATAMIts been a little while since Ive seen such a clueless player, should not be queing ranked EVER
Season 10  VARON88COLLATAMDoesnt matter what role he plays, he is completely useless
Season 10  CollinTurnGOATNAHas no respect for ranked, prob a weekend gamer only, DCs and leaves the account idle
Season 10  UNDESTAINEDNACannot solo very well, although not a feeder he is just not placed correctly in ranked
Season 10  ByL2008LATAMI dont even know why this person is playing this game, I suspect he is queing in opposite side in order to give another account easy wins
Season 10  chiripa02LATAMF6 spammer and general all around troll
Season 10  PonetzLATAMThis support isnt really playing to support you, his sole focus is to steal as many kills as possible
Season 10  RayzOBELATAMTerrible Mid, has no clue what he is doing, should not be playing ranked
Season 10  JtyxionLATAMClaims to be practicing on controller but is just straight trolling
Season 10  DeserterBertNAHis name suits him, I even feel its a troll account that is made to leave matches
Season 10  HomicideHotheadLATAMW key solo that DCs when the going gets tough, I dont think he has ever seen the 35 minute mark
Season 10  GuhSynisterLATAMPlays a mid Zeus that will make you want to cry, misses abilities ON MINIONS!
Season 10  OptimalScrubLATAMCannot hit basics to save his own life and plays ADC
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