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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  JegaECULATAMCannot hit a basic, sits in lane even after there are no towers, does not listen to calls, complete troll
Season 11  RafaRiosssLATAMHas a NuWa diamond border, but I have no idea how, cannot even hit a basic stun
Season 11  PoseidonSupportLATAMTroll player that can only play a single role, trolls anything that is not an ADC
Season 11  joshnoeckerLATAMLike to queue for jungle role but cannot play it at all even when using cheesy gods
Season 11  deadlydabber007LATAMTrolled the entire match then DCd when he was called out for trolling, these players are the ones you need to avoid
Season 11  Tamalderajas176LATAMThis is another player that hasnt played since season 4 and decided to play ranked for some unexplained reason
Season 11  LuciRX_LATAMThis crybaby dies at minute 2 and goes AFK, has no skill and should not be queueing ranked.
Season 11  s3Ruk17LATAMThis troll likes to queue mid and then start F6 spamming at 10 minutes after feeding
Season 11  DirtNapEMLATAMTroll that plays whatever god he feels like playing
Season 11  B4CODELATAMDoes not know how to play conquest, thinks everything is arena
Season 11  Silvaa2720LATAMThis is another solo troll that season 11 has brought back into focus, just dodge if you get him
Season 11  EkizTrueniEUDoesnt speak the language and doesnt understand the game either.
Season 11  RöseeNACannot play any role without W keying in, probably on his way down the MMR ladder
Season 11  ViiKauaiNAThis one is a mistery, this player is high 1800MMR but cannot secure kills nor hit basics, how does this happen?
Season 11  I-xCluTch-----LATAMHas no business queing ranked season 11 matches
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