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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  TheGreatOne12NAThis player as Solo laner is no good, just trade him his role
Season 10  josemexLATAMEven as a supp this guy can mess up your game, cant get past the arena game. Its sad
Season 10  isaac1102LATAMQueues for ADC and cant hit autos or even know the order of his abilities, he expexts to get carried on his matches
Season 10  DonkeyDom9561LATAMTerrible as ADC, cannot hit basics and doesnt know the role
Season 10  TKOxSnakeXeyeSLATAMYou would think sticking him as support he would do less damage to the team, but cant even hit a single stun in a 40 minute game.
Season 10  lefarmersteinLATAMQueuing for Solo, but just cannot handle his lane, absent in late game as he has no map awareness of game sense
Season 10  D4IZM3RLATAMThis mid has no clue how to start or what to pull, does not know the order of his abilities. Just dodge if you see him on your team
Season 10  N3rooLATAMTeerible ADC plays Artemis just for the ult as he cant hit basics
Season 10  Monsieur80UnknownPretty AFK ADC, I have no idea how he is not sub 1000 MMR
Season 10  YenKetzerLATAMHas no idea how to play the role he queues, this ADC Apolo barely broke even with an AFK adjacent ADC
Season 10  ImortalityKilerLATAMThis solo queuer is AFK as soon as he feels the slightest snarky remark
Season 10  PvpChadNAQueues ADC, but is just no good, cant hit basics expects to get carried
Season 10  Dandy-WarholsNATerrible Jungle that W keys, not sure how he got Diamond Arachne, but I believe he was carried to that border
Season 10  GHST_TOMATELATAMThis solo queuer is AFK most of his games
Season 10  AchillesSmiteNANo respect for the jungle role, tries to go tanky to hide the fact that he cannot play the role
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