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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Grillo02LATAMHas no respect for the game of ranked, plays on a potato computer and DCs every match he plays for minutes at a time
Season 10  GoldteamroolzNAADC as Chernobog that misses global ults. Wrap your head around that for a second
Season 10  Jayden20161319LATAMMaybe a 10 year old playing ranked, just dodge
Season 10  TwistedDustNAPretty bad ADC, not super terrible, but bad enough you know you are in for a loss if you get him on your team
Season 10  elitesigmadrLATAMNot sure why he is queing ranked, doesnt really want to play, just trolls matches
Season 10  Logan942LATAMPlaying as mid, but I dont think he has the slightest idea what that entails, lane bot
Season 10  piloproLATAMTerrible ADC, has no idea how to team fight and cant hit basics
Season 10  Naz_NYCLATAMNaz here should have stuck to rapping, cause his Smite skills are completely lacking.
Season 10  FreakiG95LATAMIf you let this person jungle, you will lose. It looks like he is starting out for the first time playing a ranked match instead of going through the tutorial
Season 10  xFoulsilverLATAMThis player expects to get carried troll picking the Solo lane, its just sad really
Season 10  devilfam4LATAMHas no respect for ranked matches, up and leaves whenever he doesnt snowball
Season 10  DanielLV1853LATAMPlays mid and picks Chang, not sure what youtube video he saw this in, but you can tell this is not his game.
Season 10  Cassh intownNAI think this player only plays Smite while drunk, played like a drunk and sounded like one as well
Season 10  x2EpicLATAMHas no clue how to jungle and mains it
Season 10  OGJRKILLALATAMPlays mid and expects to get carried all of his matches, just meh at every roleThe only god he can play is the troll arachne speed attack build and even then he is absent most fo the match
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