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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  gingerifficLATAMHas no clue how to jungle, hasnt played in 2 years and decides to queue ranked
Season 11  TheHillboxUKCompletely useless, I think he is playing with like 500 ping, cant hit minions
Season 11  sneakyboiLATAMPlays as main supp, but has no idea what his role entails
Season 11  Yagoo_GamerBRLATAMQueues as ADC role, but cannot land autos, think about that for sec, CANNOT LAND AUTOS
Season 11  Oojibwe-ZimbabweLATAMEven as an MLF mid, this guy cannot play past the laning phase, he is only good at hitting minionsStill playing ranked conquest for some reason, and still expecting to get carried every match
Season 11  Chubbs9418NAThis guy is an MVP, will take the dodge if he sees you on this platform
Season 11  BBC GeneticsNAQueues for mid, but has no idea what the role entails
Season 11  BlackHeartSuave_NADelusional player that has no idea what picks and bans are for season 11 and cant hit autos
Season 11  PureDeadShotXLATAMCalls himself dead shot and cant land a single left click with an ADC, just dodge
Season 11  fatalispandaLATAMAgain, this player setting people back so much, has no idea what starting positions and decides to play ranked to learn
Season 11  zoodlesLATAMThis guy probably is playing completely high, cause there is no sign of a brain behind that screen
Season 11  ApeFromfloridaNANot sure about this player, he is kind of iffy, maybe not as bad as he played this match
Season 11  KioxceroLATAMIf this guy picks a god that is for his role, maybe play with him, off role picks he cannot do anyting
Season 11  DianaEsthefaniaLATAMCannot play mid to save her own life, legit!
Season 11  blakisaCNAClueless, cant left click, its best to leave him either as supp, or dodge if you can
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