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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  BelowMyEgoLATAMDont give this player an important role, stick him as supp and just wait for him to DC at 5 minutes
Season 11  Edd LovaLATAMLikes to play Merlin cause he saw a youtube video that he wants to imitate, but has no clue how his keyboard and mouse function
Season 11  TrapdomezLATAMBetter dodge the game if you see this person on your team, no idea how or what to solo
Season 11  JolbobagginsLATAMTrolls games picking assasins in ADC role, terrible player, should not be anywhere near a ranked match
Season 11  TauxsikNAThis guy is just a terrible human being and aweful at any role, so just expect 10 minute F6 spams
Season 11  OreTizNAComplete douche, will troll your game for no reason
Season 11  krix93xLATAMClueless player that has no idea how to play the game, thinks KDA is how you win
Season 11  swagbocaLATAMSeason 4 was the last time this guy played, has no idea what the items do or how to build according to META
Season 11  HenwordNALet this guy solo, he is actually capable of carrying a match
Season 11  KebapsLATAMLikes getting carried through matches, sad thing is he is making it to diamond without knowing how to play the game
Season 11  AJHTheLegendLATAMPicks anoob no matter the role and expects to get carried, just ban the god for your own sakeGot him again, picked anoob and called out the throw
Season 11  ZombieViper9240LATAMDo not trade this player out of supp, just leave him there no matter how much he begs, terrible jungle
Season 11  GunsaxlLATAMTerrible mid that cant play even with an Agni
Season 11  DzRealAlucardLATAMYou can teel just by the name that the only thing REAL about this guy is that he is REAL bad
Season 11  DFYNTsLATAMAnother troll that season 11 brought in, insta locks anooby, just try to ban anoob for your own sake
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