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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  Kryptonic XeoLATAMDoesnt really want to play ranked, doesnt want to play assigned roles, F6 spammer
Season 11  NotSosaNANot decent at any role, does not main any god, jsut plays ranked to have something to do
Season 11  RamarusanNAPlaying as a solo Shiva, had no idea how to solo and when to rotate, just dodge
Season 11  toxicgamez104LATAMAnother example of why this page was created, completely toxic and feeding to his friend on enemy team
Season 11  AndresMoDzLATAMI think this player is a little kid that gets on this account for some reason, make sure he responds, if not then dodge
Season 11  Ping-JungleNALiteral ass at the game, not just the role, has no idea how to jungle
Season 11  l_Erkhann_lLATAMIf this guy spent half the time he spend on typing his stupid ass name actually playing the game, he might be 200MMR
Season 11  JustCallMeShiniNAThis guy is bad, if he has jung, just take it from him by force, he doesnt know how to play the role, and doesnt even main any god
Season 11  tripp2300LATAMQueueing for Solo lane and yet cannot seem to pick a single Warrior
Season 11  ervthegod21LATAMThis guy cant hit a single basic even if his lifedepends on it. Useless
Season 11  PondDonkeyNAThis is trolling jungle queueing idiot, just dodge, doesnt matter if you cant afford it, dodge
Season 11  ISpl RobbedLATAMThis guy is queing ranked supp games and F6ing at 10 minutes every game, dodge if you can
Season 11  CryyoLATAMName suits him, all he does is Cry O and has no idea what builds are or any game sense
Season 11  YortrisLATAMPlease just dodge if you see this guy, has no business queueing a ranked game, even no ranked games
Season 11  xOrxngeLATAMComplete do ass, just dodge if you get him on your team, dont even try
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