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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  HyvzzLATAMComplete GARBAGE solo queuer, will only queue for KDA, and if things go south, statys at the fountain
Season 11  NathSG117LATAMCheat test account, looks like is just expecting to get banned any second, the name really drives it home
Season 11  thisgamesotrashLATAMThis very well might be an actual troll, like pointy ears and everything, doesnt like the game, but plays it anyway
Season 11  JustAesaLATAMConsole player tha has never played a game of conquest until just now
Season 11  IdLikeToCarryLATAMConsol player, you can tell, has no idea what conquest is
Season 11  BrencisNAComplains about team and then expects team to die for him, and he is supposed to be supportMatched up against him this time, and he is a Loki main, that explains allot, steals kills and feels good about himself even when losing cause he can KS as loki
Season 11  DJTHESHOCKERLATAMI dont think we will ever see this person in ranked again, I bet he thought it would be a fun game until he died 12 times as adc in less than 5 minutes GTFO
Season 11  iJeffReynNAThis player is completely defeated morally, so he will leave the game if you breath on him wrong
Season 11  HalamandawalLAAMThis is a chat bot that spews ignorance in text over and over again
Season 11  thatkillshadowLATAMWhat a bum, joins matches to troll and blast audio that has nothing to do with the game, doesnt speak the language and trolls the role
Season 11  Dizzy Fred44LATAMHas no respect for ranked matches and has no idea how to play.
Season 11  Panda 21458709LATAMJust as generic as his name, his gameplay is lane trolling
Season 11  ChileVedeLATAMDoes not know how to play conquest, cant even play the supp role, so maybe just dodge
Season 11  McLovinH10NAThere isnt much to say here, he is just really bad at the game, try to trade him out or just dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  ELGRANJAIMELATAMThis player should be automatically demoted to negative MMR due to leaving matches too frequently
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