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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  ELeveLLATAMUseless as solo and Id say has a very minimal understanding of what conquest is
Season 10  shock2110LATAMTroll jungle that keeps picking mages for some reason and trolling the role
Season 10  CrisNoobLATAMThis player only looks like he knows how to play because he W keys into some kills, but does not know the basics of conquest
Season 10  N3r00LATAMThis is a decent solo that at least doesnt feed in his lane, remained positive in KDA all match
Season 10  helios4040LATAMTerrible jungle that ints and then DCs when he is 100 gold bellow, no good at all
Season 10  InfusedDarknessLATAMThis player does not respect ranked matches, will as soon as he sees no snowball
Season 10  A Rogue GodLATAMThis guy was queing for mid but has no idea what god to pick nor does he know how to build correctly
Season 10  ELVzNzGMLATAMThis solo Hunter has the worst internet connection ive seen on Smite
Season 10  LETHALxLIONLATAMThis player is a quitter through and through, expects to be carried every match and if not F6's
Season 10  SupremeShibaLATAMHas no respect for ranked matches, does not deserve to be queing ranked
Season 10  Jhendrix8LATAMThis guys queues ADC, but cannot play the role, doesnt know his bans
Season 10  ItsW1zardLATAMLoki player, I dont think I need to explain this
Season 10  beardandbandannaLATAMTerrible Solo and useless player in general, no map awareness, just F6 and move on
Season 10  caballo1011LATAMHas no idea what to do in any role, should not be playing ranked
Season 10  bigterrorshowLATAMThis player AFKs at minute 1 then blames everyone but himself for a loss, complete waste of oxygen
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