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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Bryartz07UnkownWill try and trade you for jungle, just dont do it, he is assAnother Loki jungle troll, just try and dodge if possible
Season 10  luizskillsLATAMThis solo queuer gets triggered if you dont babysit his lane, and then AFKs at fountain, avoid at all costs
Season 10  will_131UnkownWill try ot trade you for Jungle, but is terrible at it, his Rat game is just W key no matter how many levels down he is
Season 10  ITz-DeToxX_TxCLATAMQueues Solo but just W keys, always goes mage, not really any good
Season 10  ApoloyixUnkownThis guy is just bad, queued ADC and fed his ass off, not sure if I will see him againI was wrong, say him again but on his way down the ELO slope. Terrible as mid as well, this account will def land on the 500 to 600 MMR range
Season 10  perick87LATAMThis player does not like to play his assigned role, goes Solo assasins and mid ADCs that just dont work
Season 10  IKillDaZ0mbsUnkownThis account is being used to boost, so it is queued on hoping to get opposit teams, then just DCs
Season 10  LinkxietyLATAMThis player plays Sol regardless fo the role, doesnt take Ranked seriously, you will have to carry this person
Season 10  MonstaDFaUnkownThis ADC doesnt hit basics when his life legit depends on it, only plays low skill gods, but isnt really ready for rankedWorse as a mid, this person doesnt know how to play ranked, and refuses to queue normies where he belongs
Season 10  BrandoBadLATAMThis player queues for jungle, but has no idea what the role entails, he watches a YT video and thinks he is ready for jungle
Season 10  BlazeyyBearrLATAMThis player never picks gods for his role, my suggestion is that if he keeps doing it, just dodge and report him
Season 10  Ortega78LATAMThis player likes to queue for Jungle, but cant keep up, maybe just needs more practice, but is just not ready for ranked
Season 10  DialedGlacierUnkownPlayed a solo lane with Odin, doesnt know the meta and cant hold his lane
Season 10  akaza02LATAMThis player regardless of the role leaves as soon as he is not babysat by his teammates
Season 10  PjamonaltaLATAMSupport player, but just leaves the game whenever he feels like it, doesn’t take the conquest ranked game seriously
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