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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  InvasorDePastosLATAMThis ADC main is trying out Rama and you can tell he doesnt have it down quite yet, wants to practice in ranked mode
Season 10  HalimdorNAThis player spams the Anubis all day and calls himself great, like to BM his teammates. W key is taped down on his keyboard
Season 10  ReapercroxUnkownThis player queues mid, but is just overall not a good player, wants to be aggressive but needs allot of practice.
Season 10  RedDeadTylerNAHas no idea how to build any god, does not respect ranked as a gamemode.
Season 10  FamJam57NAJust a W keying jungle, not really much to say, you know what happens to W keyers, they just dont know how to play the game from behind, so they F6
Season 10  Styxx1014UnkownThis guy queues mid and throws hard, when W key doesnt work, he just doesnt know how to proceed and continues to feed
Season 10  Kitty DropkicksLATAMTerrible solo plays NuWa, and asks why people throw
Season 10  N00DYMAGZ-NAPlays mage jungles and doesnt want to play conventional builds
Season 10  AirtothemaxLATAMTerrible ADC, do not give him the role, just feeds until the game is unreoverable
Season 10  uyi212LATAMQueues for solo, goes Chang'e doesnt know starting positions and dives minute 1 level 1 for feed
Season 10  yt-jayydesignzUSThis persons plays as mid, but I can bet you anything he is on his way down the MMR table, probably land around the 400 to 500MMR ranks. Terrible, just terrible
Season 10  vick3r5UnkownThis guy doesnt even know starting positions, ran around the jungle lvl1 as an ADC, has no respect for ranked matches. Just dodge, save yourself the 10 minute surrender
Season 10  TaitanPROLATAMHis aim is so bad, he misses minions. MINIONS!
Season 10  Aeonian-GoldLATAMI dont think I have ever encountered a Freya that doesnt just full charge, this Freya main plays like a Neith
Season 10  FutureStrawhatUnkownWhat a terrible jungle, never untapes the W key and doesnt know any of the Bakasura mechanics
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