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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 17, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 11  daxvi1493LATAMAnother troll, does not beling in ranke and queue with Zetto7, if you see them, dont trade your role, they will troll
Season 11  EmiNaturalKillerNAComplete troll that troll picks all his roles, I dont know what he is doing playing ranked
Season 11  AndresoPLATAMUseless as the day he popped out of his mothers vagina, always has something else going on outside the game, dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  grimjokLATAMDoesnt understand the game, should not be playing ranked
Season 11  jorgelartenLATAMPrime example of why this page exists, will completely troll your games cause he is bad, dodge if you can afford, and report this troll every chance you get
Season 11  staydvsNAHas no respect for Ranked, up and left for no good reason whatsover
Season 11  Markcuban5728LATAMThisi s a ranked queue troll, has no meaning in life and nothing better to do than to troll
Season 11  GodMagmaBulletLATAMThese come in pairs, either adc or jungle, just dont let them have it
Season 11  GodAquaBulletLATAMPlease do not let this person jungle, its too much of an important role for him
Season 11  KxvinnnLATAMComplete troll will cost you the game, so just dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  ROTATE OR GGNABMs entire team at minute 0, terrible human being, does at least hit his autos though
Season 11  DoAKickFlipLATAMDoesnt like to play conventional gods for his roles and then when it doesnt work out logs out of the game
Season 11  antonyoLATAMI dont think I need to say anything else but this is a Anubis solo main. Dodge if you can afford it
Season 11  Bottom500YiMainLATAMDoesnt like to play his role, troll picls 90% of the time
Season 11  sneakerhead3021LATAMUseless just dodge if you can afford it
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