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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  PatStackinUpLATAMNo respect for ranked matches, leaves after trolling his lane 0-4
Season 10  GansoPoderosoLATAMThis ADC is just terrible, cannot hit basics to save his life and plays RAMA!
Season 10  TurntFetuzNAThis ADC might be learning the game playing ranked, no respect for others in doing this
Season 10  CriticalRasLATAMTerrible as a jungle and has allot of PC issues on top of that
Season 10  The Names FuzzyNAHas no clue how to play the game, it even looked like he was purposefully dying for the first 8 deaths
Season 10  triggered rtLATAMHas no respect for the ranked game, DCs if he doesnt snowball at 10 minutes
Season 10  TH1SG4MEISG4YLATAMTerrible as a jungle, doesnt know when to rotate and doesnt know his builds
Season 10  Beast0fPr3yLATAMTrolls the solo lane and then up and leaves when he has lost it
Season 10  FeZeus_NAThis player seems to be learning to play the game, but troll picks his gods
Season 10  SPILL3DxMILKLATAMTrolls the role so hard, picking supp assassins cause he doesnt respect ranked matches
Season 10  DavidMzLATAMTerrible as ADC role, cannot hit basics, pick artemis just to hit basics with the ult stun
Season 10  Pathogens11LATAMDodge if you get this player on your team, its better that way, is apparently learning the game of smite on ranked mode
Season 10  TGWozsLATAMQueues for jungle and trolls the role, has no idea how to gank, looks like he is playing gods for the first time
Season 10  AthenaWhisperNAComplete rank troll, doesnt care for ranked games up and leaves after feeding 1-7-1Continues to troll lanes, and now has a new saying, just so you know, this person HATES MEXICANS, he will tell you this repeatedly
Season 10  BrzT_BLADELATAMThis player is prime example of why this page exists, start BMing his teammates minute 1 and has no clue how ranked actually works
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