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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  I no the OneLATAMThis player does not respect the role, he picks assasin regardless of his role, and then takes jungle farm and starts jungling. Report this player if he continues to do this, or he will troll more peoples gamesShort update, this guy is now running mage tanks and claiming its META, when you have 4 to 6 losses in a row, this is just called trolling
Season 10  djx_1996LATAMThis player spams jungle and then tries out builds that just dont work. W key doesnt always work out
Season 10  JoewavyLATAMSpams the NuWa no matter what and doesnt even gets a build going, cant hit a basic if his life depends on it
Season 10  SPS_gabyllamoccaLATAMGoes Cthulu support but W keys for kills instead of securing objectives
Season 10  EdwardR19LATAMSolo that F6 spams if you dont gank his lane at minute 2
Season 10  KurrenxyyUnkownKnown to DC or dodge matches when his bans are not to his expectations
Season 10  OddLandMercUnkownThis ADC couldnt land basics with ISHTAR! Worst aim ive seen so far
Season 10  AdvancieUnkwonHas no idea how to jungle, just W keys and hopes for the best, just terribleYet again, does not have a jungle main god, so he just tries a new one and tapes down the W key
Season 10  ThxforfeedingUnkownDoesnt know how to solo and plays gods he is not familiar with
Season 10  aheartlesshero3LATAMTerrible mid that thinks playing a Freya and W keying works, fed all game and lost the match
Season 10  L3s73rSLATAMSpams jungle trade and then picks Anubis, he is on his way down to 300MMR dodge if you have the chance
Season 10  KLIOSLATAMSpams to want to play jungle but doesnt know how to play his role
Season 10  xXxZehelxXxLATAMThis player goes ADC, but doesnt know how to play his role and has his mic open with mariachi band in the background, just dodge
Season 10  LittleDiomedeh1LATAMThe most cowardly Thoth Ive ever seen, and thats saying allot. Doesnt know how to mid or initiate fights
Season 10  weedracer29UnkownA plat border Danza that just W keys and can feed his brains out most matches
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