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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  xHimariUnkownThis guy queued solo and thn stayed at fountain when he could be babysat by everyon on his teamThis slo continues to troll ranked matches AFKing under the tower, this guy needs to be reported on mass and also removed from ranked, just dodge if possible
Season 10  TS XinfinityLATAMThis Charybdis ADC was completely useless and wanted his duo lane to be babysat by the Jungler
Season 10  soldadoguille20LATAMThis player queued Kukulkan and had no idea howto play back from a slow start
Season 10  KingSonny901LATAMThis player went mid Agni and never even got a kill 33 minutes in, total ass
Season 10  UntilmorningLATAMThis player is a real threat, I would sugest you dodge immediately as he is a rank troll. I even think he might be queueing from the enemy team to take a dive
Season 10  M0oRiiLATAMQueues for ADC, tapes down the W key and corsses his fingers, he might not be able to aim very well with his fingers crossed
Season 10  FaMeDInfinityLATAMTerrible player spams Aphro and hopes for the best
Season 10  frosh72LATAMThis player queues for mid, but has no idea how ot play the role, he doesnt queue casuals even though he desperately needs to learn the game
Season 10  Fastfreddie84LATAMThis ADC Freya sat in tower for 15 minutes spamming F6 and didnt even want to get carriedPlaying as a supp is no better, he was only moving cause he is on a losng streak, but this is why you gotta play the match and not B< your teammates
Season 10  FillpkLATAMDoesnt like to play conventional roles, goes Poesidon ADC and is no good
Season 10  IcyCorbone23UnkownTerrible mid, like to pick Janus but cannot use the god, relies on luck to hit something
Season 10  swagman2canLATAMThis player is a troll, doesnt want to play his role, so he picks mages or assasins to support. Just ruins matches
Season 10  davidrealfielLATAMThis guy will AFK if you dont trade whatever role he wants, its best to just dodge a game you are queued with him as you will lose anyway
Season 10  ThepurpleenzymeUnkownThis was a SWK solo with a serious case of tunnelvision. You could warn him 5 times that he had incoming, he was still up in T2 and complained that no one told him incoming. Very sad case here
Season 10  KiloKillemLATAMThis Artemis ADC had trouble hitting minions! Unacceptable
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