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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  FlamingHotDoobieLATAMThis player is a ranked troll, will lose a match even if you are trying to provide helpful tips, dodge if you can
Season 10  leoadonis18LATAMThis player has a diamond border Ishtar, but plays like a scaredy cat. Not sure how he got itPlayed as a supp Athena, still hot trash
Season 10  jbusyupLATAMHas no clue how to jungle and mains it
Season 10  JuffzzUnknownWill try to trade you for jungle role, just dont, doesnt know the role or the times
Season 10  GeezOhPeetzNAHas no respect for the game of ranked, and leaves games to trigger an F6
Season 10  TheeDespairLATAMThis player queues ADC and has no idea what the role entails
Season 10  xXDrakofireXxLATAMThis player trolls the roles. So far Ive seen him play mages and hunters on the jungle role, and has no idea what he is doing. W key is just not working for him
Season 10  PokerKing504LATAMDont be fooled by this Diamond border Ullr, this player stays in tower and just waits to be carried to victory, dont expect anything other than that
Season 10  CallMeMaskedTimeLATAMHas no respect for the game of ranked, and leaves midgames
Season 10  giopboyLATAMTerrible mid player, spams NuWa on every role. Need I say more?
Season 10  orangeFlameBGLATAMTerrible solo player, cant even play the simplest gods, and is quick to laugh spam. The prime example of why this site exists
Season 10  GazaCoboLATAMA specialist when it comes to trolling the jungle role, has watched one too many youtube videos and thinks he has learned by watching
Season 10  y0delLATAMThis player is just bad, needs to spend allot of time in normies
Season 10  Daiser0404LATAMThis player does not respect ranked matches and will play whatever he wants, dodge if you can
Season 10  LilHKLATAMAvoid this player at all costs, I believe he double queues and throws to get wins
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