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Player Name | Location of Origin | Match Outcome 1 | Match Outcome 2 | Match Outcome 3 | Match Outcome 4 | Match Outcome 5 |
ChileFake | LATAM | This players spams Freya doesnt matter if he is ADC, Mid or Support, lets not encourage this kind of behavior by carrying him any further than he already has been | ||||
ShadierFkey | Unkown | When playing the jungle role, likes to pick Nemesis, even though his winrate with her is atrocious. | ||||
Brave4life3 | LATAM | This person plays Arachne if he is open regardless of the role, likes to troll and BM jungles, and then when he loses lane proceeds to take the jungle role. Saw him play ADC arachne once and start to blame his support. | ||||
SportsFanatic58 | Unkown | Plays mid but is a NuWa spammer, just ults and hopes to get kills, no skill at laning phase whatsoever | ||||
CrippledNARWHAL | Unkown | This pele jungle was completely outmatched, he never untaped his W key so was diving in 1v5 | ||||
IM C0MIN IN H0T | Unkown | This guy plays mid agni, but cannot land a basic to save his life, relies on getting agni bombs, so feeds levels 1-4 | ||||
Jarodmep | LATAM | What is up with these diamond border gods that do not understand basic mechanics? How does this even happen? | ||||
utherr123 | LATAM | This jungle merc can hit an ability, Im not sure how he got that plat border, but I am certain he cannot have gotten that missing ults and dashes | Terrible solo laner, Id say avoid him being solo, cannot even clean up as Chaac and enemies at 20% health | |||
matrIxrevolution | LATAM | This dude trolls ranked, doesnt care to play the ranked games, just logs in to troll | ||||
Shadow | LATAM | This ADC Anhur was the scardiest Anhur player I have ever seen, terrible player | ||||
SinNovia47 | LATAM | Terrible Solo laner that doesnt know how to build or hit basics | ||||
dirtysprite1 | NA | This guy spams mid and doesnt back up his gameplay, he plays too many gods, doesnt have a main | ||||
ElBarto | LATAM | This guy trolls his position most of the time, never plays conventional gods and this doesnt always work out. | ||||
SUPERMAN0541 | LATAM | Terrible Jungle no matter what he picks, W keys into enemy and has maybe worked for him 1 time out of 50. | ||||
Vik1ngs | NA | This ADC Neith player plays on controller, just run cause the match is not worth it |