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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  QxystUnknownThis was a Merlin mid, that although not terrible was spamming the fact that he is a homosexual to everyone. Nothing against it, but we are trying to play a game.
Season 10  KrazhyLATAMAlthough the match outcome was a victory, the Anubis insta lock into solo is not something you want
Season 10  dxnyskingLATAMThis support player has no clue how the game works, please just get out if you are in a team with this guy
Season 10  lejosurLATAMThis useless mid plays Janus, but doesnt know how to get accros the map. Dodge if you get this person in your team
Season 10  camposanoLATAMYou can tell as soon as he joins that his open mic with background noise means he is not playing this gameto win, Insta locks Anubis for any role
Season 10  thiraxLATAMThis adc gets ganked once and then sits at fountain spamming F6, just dodge if you get this teammate
Season 10  Kyotonachi04LATAMThis guy doesnt like playing conventional players, plays dumb things like assasin supports and warrior mids.
Season 10  FactsRFactsUnknownThis is an Izanami main that is utterly useless, super aggressive at level 2 and blames team for his blunders
Season 10  Payaso Eso8266LATAMVery trolly jungle main that jut W keys even when 3 levels behind, no game sense and no map awareness
Season 10  HernatorLATAMPlayed Oloron ADC, but has tunnel vsion, has no idea when to group fight or push lane.
Season 10  drduartecastilloLATAMNormally goes Ymir support and W keys all the way. Wont really follow instructions or even follow up damage.
Season 10  seblaflammeLATAMDont let this person Jungle, they W key all match and never confirm kills
Season 10  TheBlackman94NATerrible solo laner, spams abilities and misses 80% of them
Season 10  EP S0UTHSID3This ADC is playing Plat 5 ranked matches but cannot hit abilities yet. Whats that about?
Season 10  james_aka_BullPlayer trolls jungle picks, goes Anubis jungle says it carries cause he W keys. You can tell what the outcome is right?
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