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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of December 23, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  jamesyboiiUnkownThis guy plays the most scared ive seen in my life, and pick Janus specifically due to that. No good
Season 10  enaro_rulesttvLATAMPlays as ADC but couldnt hit water in the middle of the GD Ocean, misses hitting MINIONS!
Season 10  VanillashakezzLATAMDoesnt like playing his lane, picks assasin into solo and feeds
Season 10  ShamanChavoLATAMDoesnt like to play any of the assigned roles, spams Anubis no matter if its solo support or ADCSeason 11 brought this guy in thinking things are sunshine and rainbows
Season 10  TaylenolLATAMKnown to leave matches DC and or AFK, does not dedicate the needed time for a conquest and continues to queue ranked matches
Season 10  MasterPbloLATAMSpams the Loki pick and just doesnt do the work, gets carried by team and KS's
Season 10  Tyrs NubLATAMGoes Agni mid and has no idea how to play the god, after feeding proceeds to F6 spam
Season 10  JuanSaxLATAMTerrible ADC, cant hit a basic to save his lifeMatched again, this time as Solo, getting carried by his team as his lane was completely trashed
Season 10  cartiLATAMNo good as ADC, claims late game he comes online, but starts F6 spamming at 15 minutes
Season 10  CoujLATAMDoesnt like playing his role, picks mages on ADC role and W keys all match
Season 10  MetaMuncherNAPlays matches opposite his discord friends and leaves to award them the win. Dont let this person trade any important roles on your team
Season 10  StereoLovexJRLATAMSupport as Athen, not a terrible player, but nothing to write home about
Season 10  JariSpLATAMPlays a solo lane W keying, didnt lose his lane so its not so terrible
Season 10  EctoProxyLATAMInsta locks NuWa regardless of the role, terrible player hopes spamming ult awards him kills and match damage, also plays on duplicate account EctoProzy and does the same thing
Season 10  Kyodaista_LATAMThis ADC as Olo misses MINION SHOTS! If you cant hit a minion with a basic, you better believe he wont hit water in the middle a lake
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