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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  treyghost3Terrible Janus mid that didn’t know when to take fights
Season 10  WavyyDegoatAchilles solo but doesn’t know how to play the gameMulan Solo now, but still is ass Mulan yet again feeding his brains out
Season 10  linuxfragYmir as support but couldn’t really front line
Season 10  ToboeSkLATAMHerculues solo that just fed
Season 10  Warbeast83Spams NuWa pick for mid and spams ult
Season 10  raicou32Decent Athen Support knew his role well
Season 10  ChristianGLHSkadi ADC, was just meh at the role
Season 10  Kamilo0515I think this was a Clio, but I couldn’t be sure cause there was too much feeding going on
Season 10  BeasT_NdaBXGoes mid Vulcan 2-9 and spams F6, no good at all
Season 10  GivemeTheMELONBaron Samedi as supp but stole every kill he couldGoing Carry this time, cant be any better
Season 10  rrthebest23LATAMGoes Chaac Solo and loses lane so quickThis matchup was as an ADC, still allot of ass
Season 10  VG ChewyTerrible neith ADC no common senseNow as Anhur ADC, still no good, did not deserve to get carried this match
Season 10  Style4k7160Artemis ADC with just the worst map awareness
Season 10  zuesnicktonightAphro support was just not doing her job
Season 10  GoodMechanixThe Thor was not the problem, this was just unfortunate matchup for this guy
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