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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  sosaaj901Poor Khepri support that went in but had no backup
Season 10  TurvelxSkadi ADC, that didn’t really do much all match
Season 10  Attraction8Susano Jungle, just doesn’t have the advantage without basic mechanicsMorgan Le Fay as mid was just no good, not sure if roles are the issue hereSusano jung, this matchup was better, but still just mediocre in general
Season 10  ReeXzaNNox support, I don’t respect people that play Nox support
Season 10  Altair080Hades Solo just got shit on completely, maybe bad luck? But didn’t have the common sense to play back
Season 10  SlowlyautisticThis Scylla mid was just no good, no map awarenessAchilles as solo wasnt that bad, maybe this is his main role
Season 10  Cc MixcoatlWent Kumba support, and was decent
Season 10  beazy55Achilles solo, would not mind playing with him again, knows his role
Season 10  Ward4 lif3This Zeus knows how to steamrollZeus again, he is very good at steamrolling
Season 10  JacksonK12HiemDallr as ADC, but got his ass carriedSurtr as solo, was just not putting in the work, he was in 2 out of 10 teamfightsUseless as mid as well, cant even play the easiest Poseidon game ever!
Season 10  Crymore3088Chernobog ADC, W key doesn’t always work for himPlaying Ravana this matchup, same ass
Season 10  WERNEKA Nike support, havent seen Nike played this bad until now
Season 10  bT JumpmanThis Neith couldn’t even secure a kill with ult, terrible, should not be queuing ranked
Season 10  jordantech29Pele jungling with no map awareness, got some kills in, but that’s about it
Season 10  Thy BjonesJust OK at Baba Yaga Mid, nothing special
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