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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  TOOLMANLUGO84Camazotz Solo lane was lost very quickly, needs more practice build is not the problem
Season 10  TwoBearVanDunkJust a meh support using Bacchus
Season 10  Bigsurge3528526This is an AMC main, know his way around a teamfight
Season 10  AJ-_-SlaysAn Martichoras ADC, cant complain at least didn’t lose his lane
Season 10  youngwilkosThis Hera mid was completely useless, never hit an ability when it mattered
Season 10  RAFMAXTEJONLATAMThis was a Zues mid, did the damage, but was just caught out of position most of the time
Season 10  GigajinCharybdis ADC that just never hit basics, constantly running away and not in team fights
Season 10  SQS_Belga_SniperLATAMPlaying Tyr as Solo, lost his lane and was never in team fighrs
Season 10  NinthDiaryTerrible mid playing as Merlin, 40 minutes in and didn’t even finish a build, building defenses?
Season 10  rohannn007This NuWa was just waiting to get carried, to be honest most NuWas play this way
Season 10  Ahyperion14LATAMA Morrigan Support that shouldn’t have won this match with this pick, just got carried
Season 10  JaviyayiThis Anubis mid was not as bad, has some internet issues apparently, DCs in most matches
Season 10  RAFMAXTEJONThis was a Zues mid, did the damage, but was just caught out of position most of the time
Season 10  GigajinCharybdis ADC that just never hit basics, constantly running away and not in team fights
Season 10  SQS_Belga_SniperPlaying Tyr as Solo, lost his lane and was never in team fighrs
Total Visits: 11785