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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  TheAzteckLALATAMAres as Support that is just meh
Season 10  xFeyTerrible W keying Artemis as ADC, just hopes for a steamroll
Season 10  iXDevilHelperXThis Kukulkan mid was babysat the entire game, might be a duo queue
Season 10  Santxn-DaveNARama as ADC, he is just in need of target practice, cant blame a guy for needing to get betterThis Ravana was sitting on duo lane just waiting to gank all his kills there, no help anywhere else
Season 10  shadownet90This guy mains Sun Wu Kong as solo, at least doesnt lose his lane, other than that nothing to write home aboutThis match went Zhong Kui Solo, but was just no different, nothing special
Season 10  Destroy all2000Mid as Aphro that just feeds her brains out
Season 10  DeathFoxx112LATAMIf you are matched up with this person, just dogde, he is a rank troll
Season 10  xMr_I_MystifyxDaji that just W keys all her matches
Season 10  LeandroCarlos1Bacchus support, decent kind of annoying
Season 10  StreatExotic_704Charybdis ADC getting carried by her team
Season 10  GunnaWitDaPoleIx Chel mid, just meh, got her ass carried
Season 10  saral2012This is not a main ADC, so it might just be bad matchup, cause terribleWent ADC and picked Change! This was not a matchup botch, this was just terrible decision making
Season 10  BOB_LazuliNike solo lost her lane, cant keep his lane
Season 10  TheAzteckLAThanatos Jung just couldn’t keep up, misses too many abilities
Season 10  Kaptain KeefRaijin as mid that was getting caught out of position
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