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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  spartacus_MRFLATAMAh Puch mid that did nothing but feed, was diving like he was an assasin at minute 1
Season 10  Xx--T2O--xXNAPicks AMC, goes solo and complain, had a chance to F6 at 5 minutes without losing ELO, and chose to stay due to being under the dilusion of winning a 3v5
Season 10  CyberDionisoLATAMThis person is another troll that joins matches to just troll whatever roll, picked Aphro and just started trolling the jungle
Season 10  HoffaCityTVBacchus support that just W keyed, so nothing special here
Season 10  MIGHTYMIGHTY86Hades as mid, just meh
Season 10  PR0T0NOOBLATAMWe made it to easy for this jung by feeding him 2 kills at minute 1, not sure if it was just luck
Season 10  MCA_JOSELATAMThis is another one of those that should not be playing ranked, doesnt know how to build and goes Pos support and asks for build advice
Season 10  KarofyLATAMThis person needs to be banned from ranked, just afks at fountain, if he doesnt care for ELO, then he should be limited to playing normies only
Season 10  HorridCoffeeLATAMDoesn’t want to be ranking, AFKs allotStraght up and leaves matches, doesnt really care about ranked
Season 10  XoitFG-YTAh Puch as support, trolling the role
Season 10  BOB_LazuliLost his lane, very strange build did not help his case
Season 10  Javiyayinon-existant mid as persephone
Season 10  azzderThis Loki jung did nothing, 0 kills 20 minutes in and behind on farm with a Loki of all thingsWent Ah Puch ADC, this person should not be playing ranked games
Season 10  VibinWit_ArtioThis guy went ADC Charybdis but doesn’t commit to any fights
Season 10  Mr_SyckoThis Anubis solo is just hoping to queue in and get carriedKukulkan mid this time, just as bad, but at least not as bad as Aphro mid
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