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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  papabuttersZhong Kui ADC, just doesn’t work and on top of that is no good
Season 10  Ironmike1232Decent Horus, maybe just a bad team comp
Season 10  EsdotKukulKan mid, was just ok at zoning, but nothing else
Season 10  AJP_ZOOLoki jungle that was always behind, couldn’t secure any kills
Season 10  JOELPOWERLATAMPlayed ADC Chernobog but doesn’t listen to comms, not sure he deserved to get carried therePlayed as Cernunos and tried W keying most of the matchNow as a medusa, same thing, I think he needs to go practice on some normiesThis person really needs a perma ban, how is this person allowed to continue trolling games?
Season 10  thursdayyyShe played a MorganLeFay mid, just OKBlind mid that repeats every sentence used against him, has no map awareness, I dont even think he understands what he is typing
Season 10  AceArcherMercury Jungle pretty decent
Season 10  SoulGaloreThis Ares support was just OK
Season 10  Alucard armaAnubis mid that was always getting caught out of position
Season 10  Shuckle lvl 92This Xing Tian is a decent Solo
Season 10  akillathehun434Just a meh Xbalanque as ADC
Season 10  TrixtonHRunaway snowball as a Ratatoskar
Season 10  Pulso45Mediocre Poseidon as mid, was never in control of his lane
Season 10  xIsoLaTeDxThis is a Rama ADC that is pretty luke-warmPlayed ADC as Xbal this time, was still pretty behind and used abilities only to escape
Season 10  BOREo1This Ymir was just W key lord, but he didn’t lose lane so I cant complain
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