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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  HorusgebelThis was a terrible Agni Mid
Season 10  jmeg00This SunWuKong was always out of position
Season 10  AaronML05Charon as support just OK I guess
Season 10  Chubby_Dragon999Jormungonder as a solo, didn’t lose his lane
Season 10  YJVL5946Another NuWa Mid that was just toxicThis match he just DCd, he was called out very early which means this information has done its job :)
Season 10  HashSlingingDadNAHas a tendency to DC or Dodge, unsure if it was due to very good first pick from the oposing team
Season 10  DoughBro121Amaterasu as Solo with a weird build, but at least didn’t lose his lane
Season 10  lbridges601Cthulu as Supp, he was just meh
Season 10  NEONAXE127Change mid and was actually not that bad
Season 10  HRTwillyrexPlaying ADC as Apollo but just steamrolls, if caught behind doesn’t know what to do
Season 10  MIGUELARC4097F6 Spamming baby that solos as Agni
Season 10  TehepictwinkieSkadi ADC, not as bad as the outcome
Season 10  elusive-awe1Decent Mid and plays Zeus
Season 10  xLuffy_XoCabrakan as solo just goes full dmg
Season 10  DarkFireMonkeyReally a meh support as Ganesha
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