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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Your Majesty725Meh mid that gets carried
Season 10  XDuurtyXI haven’t seen such a useless bastet Jungle, has no idea what his role entails
Season 10  ZerokaininOsiris in solo lane that doesn’t lose his lane
Season 10  Sunrisers01oloron adc that is complete Ass
Season 10  Atom0302Uses discordia to mid, but cannot even hit minions, hard dodge if he is on your team
Season 10  Kolmar377Solo King Arthur that doesn’t lose his lane
Season 10  ScarlettJoyPlayed as Yemoja Supp, not very good
Season 10  DaBearsBuffanA Chronos ADC, but completely out of position 90% of the time
Season 10  shogunSAKAIHorus supp that is decent
Season 10  spawn_huasabyNot a very good Vulcan mid
Season 10  krip2nite420ADC Freya trying to run down lanesMatched a second time and tried using Hachiman, still ass!
Season 10  darthzannathCharon Solo that was not very good
Season 10  SaucedUp218BabaYaga mid with 1 trick up his sleaveTrolling solo lane so hard, not even joking, has no idea how to build, and no clue how to win his lane
Season 10  Quit AcidMeh Jungle with Nemesis
Season 10  MynameisJ1990Just starting learning mid, uses his dash to initiate as Agni
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