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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  IronGodIXVery decent Solo laner, SunWuKong
Season 10  OnlyGuineverMeh NuWa mid, at least didn’t lose her lane
Season 10  MH-SuperGuyTerrible Bellona Jungle
Season 10  malexander0323Artio, meh solo lane
Season 10  erickmdbNo good as ADC, Cupid and couldn’t hit a basic
Season 10  original__alienTerrible mid with NuWa of all gods
Season 10  HolyherthSuper OP Ganesha, good support
Season 10  Reverend_MosherCerberus Solo that at least doesn’t lose his lane
Season 10  FROWSKI_86Meh mid, not really that good
Season 10  Silverwing2000Sol ADC, more or less decent if you gank his lane
Season 10  CallMeAleksAmaterasu that goes Jungle, doesn’t know the map quite well yet
Season 10  RoninthebeardedMeh solo with King Arthur
Season 10  HoratioLordADC Sol that is just W keys, rides the snowball most of the time
Season 10  PVilleLocksTerrible Kuk mid
Season 10  ColonelPoochieAthena support that likes to just press W
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