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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  ScroffTerrible mid cannot Janus
Season 10  XpectdefectzV2Loki jung and none existantPlayed another match this time against, and he is still trash, just playing another god and W keying till the game is over
Season 10  stuk yo faceDecent Ravana, but cannot carry a match
Season 10  TacticXlZLancelot main
Season 10  Agent_Szer0Very good solo SWK
Season 10  PopYourBooty1 trick pony Morgan LaFeymatched with this guy again, really cannot play anything but an MLF, cannot support worth a damn
Season 10  BafflefoqxoMeh Mid BabaYaga, Actually a decent supp
Season 10  IconikHaZaRdMeh ADC Cupid msised 1's
Season 10  Grandma69Jung needs allot of improvement
Season 10  What is a DroneMage jungle with trolly buildsI cant be sure, but this person felt like he was cheating, speedhacks?
Season 10  NightCrylatamDecent Player, Morrigan only
Season 10  TAMO KLKDecent player, assin mid, Set
Season 10  CleanybusGimmicky support Artio 1 trick pony
Season 10  DarkSquirrelLightlatamUseless solo, feeds his brains out
Season 10  Been_King10Picks mid and cannot play the lane, Nox first pick, terribe player
Total Visits: 11821