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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  NinthDiaryTerrible mid playing as Merlin, 40 minutes in and didn’t even finish a build, building defenses?
Season 10  rohannn007This NuWa was just waiting to get carried, to be honest most NuWas play this way
Season 10  Ahyperion14A Morrigan Support that shouldn’t have won this match with this pick, just got carried
Season 10  JaviyayiThis Anubis mid was not as bad, has some internet issues apparently, DCs in most matches
Season 10  AugmentorNATerrible at Solo, cannot use warriorsOP Jungle with Thanatos, controls the match until team throws the leadVery good at Support, plays Kumba and knows how to control a match and teamfight
Season 10  Vexune-Known to dodge matches when his team doesnt ban what he wants
Season 10  KhendouThis is a support that is just meh, with Ares
Season 10  ImmortalGodRaXbal ADC doesn’t play that bad
Season 10  CalebCeboLATAMGanesha, not much to say, just meh
Season 10  HUNGRYFATPANDA99Spammy NuWa that got carried
Season 10  HoosiercoltAo Kuang rides the snowball, not sure if that’s any good or just luck
Season 10  DozuSlaysSusano Jungle, just doesn’t know his role
Season 10  xXCoy0teCojoXxLATAMTerrible Janus mid, should not be playing ranked
Season 10  LuxhioSylvanus support that just cant take the pressure
Season 10  MrDupLATAMNezha that DCd and was AFK 70% of the time
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