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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  XoTHEPUNISHERoXOsiris Solo that’s just meh
Season 10  Mystyle_rosenCthulhu solo, needs a lot of practice
Season 10  Thir276d3RD8Hades mid that ints at the wrong time
Season 10  skrimmmmmNot sure if this Thor was trolling, but was leaving his jungle open allot
Season 10  GekkersJungle mains with Ao, puts himself out of position, looks like a W keyer
Season 10  ItsHydrooNADecent ADC, plays Rama and can dish it out
Season 10  JVlaliciousNAPlays a decent mid, know his way around the map, Scylla in this match up
Season 10  Bow2KingSwingNAVery annoying support player, so I guess he is OK. Played the croc and had a decent build
Season 10  ThreleneshOK Mid, knows his Janus plays
Season 10  dms91Very strange solo build with Horus, but I dont know much about Horus, didnt really lose lane, didnt really teamfight much
Season 10  ChineseToastNADidnt lose his lane till the end as Ishtar, so meh
Season 10  ShorgamerNAPlays a decent support, landed all his ults as Ares so I cannot complain
Season 10  NubintheloobWhatever support as Ares
Season 10  rcon02Mercury jungle that at least rotates
Season 10  im awesome757Mediocre solo but at least holds out for ults
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