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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  King xD3adSh0txMeh Surtr, not sure about this one yet
Season 10  JonaHZ2129Raijin that needs to be babysat to make kills
Season 10  rashadsplurgleKnows how to play Athena, but that’s it
Season 10  ScaryEvilGhostMeh Jungle with Lacelot
Season 10  ignatiusreilly11Split pushing Apollo cause he cannot win his duo lane
Season 10  III-III-III-IIIMr Croaks over here wants to pass judgement on everyone
Season 10  YoThtzTR4G1CUSELESS ADC, doesn’t know how to play the game
Season 10  LugiossWants jungle but cannot play it well, even with Pele damange
Season 10  Faith PredatorMeh mid even with Kukulkan
Season 10  KittonSurtr that was actually a little decent
Season 10  xxGabriel98_Tried using Pele and still got owned as JungleTerrible ADC with Neith of all things
Season 10  Batz2kCannot play jung Ravana
Season 10  MillosbgaTerrible mid, did nothing all match with Kukulkan
Season 10  Tyburon-TTVLATAMTsukuyomi that did not handle his mechanics yetDoesnt like to play his role, will always troll the rollThis match played as mid, but is still completely useless. Doesnt know how to play the gods he picks
Season 10  PhotonBeastOK Freya ADC if you help a little
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