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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Zombieslayer2120Mostly useless Solo lane as SunWuKongMatched yet again and went solo SWK again, useless AGAIN
Season 10  MynameisJ1990Just starting learning mid, uses his dash to initiate as Agni
Season 10  WickedZombieNot very good as an ADC
Season 10  elwalaPSMeh support that knows Geb but not his positioning
Season 10  XSilverNifXTerrible Jungle that just W keys, doesn’t know how to pick his fights
Season 10  Shurtugal401Cant complain about his solo skills, holds his lane
Season 10  rburson63decent Support as Ares
Season 10  MartisssUseless as ADC
Season 10  KrakaRaptaPlays Morgan Le Fay 1 trick Pony, meh
Season 10  ALNDGUseless as Solo, Surtr and not pushing lane
Season 10  MaxxarasFreya ADC claims he is on calls, and is always AFKDidnt DC this time, but doesnt know his place in a teamfight
Season 10  PaintdudeRav Mid, need I say more?
Season 10  Daddy XzibitNo good as ADC, Cherno and couldn’t hit an ability
Season 10  CviarMeh Solo, uses Shiva
Season 10  rudeawake56Poseidon Jungle, weird build
Total Visits: 11806