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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  lllSmasherllMediocre Support, picked Ares, but was out of position most of the time
Season 10  roney1996LATAMTerrible Agni Mid, doesn’t know his positioning
Season 10  BrimifyOsiris Solo that is just OK, didn’t lose his lane at least
Season 10  IfeanychuckwuNAOK ADC if he has good Support
Season 10  TRSK CrowJust an OK Jungle, he picked Merc
Season 10  kcus777Did not make his pick, cost me 2 requests
Season 10  WillydowskiiHas a tendency to dodge matches
Season 10  reyluzLATAMJust another Loki, annoying runs away as all Lokis do
Season 10  beazy55Meh Ra mid, not much to say here
Season 10  xRG4L_Gaming_PRxDanza ADC, that just W keys, rides the snowball
Season 10  brattyhat161Guan Yu as Solo but just ulted and W keyed, no strategy there
Season 10  nickbeanPicked Neith for mid and fed his brains out
Season 10  YOUboutTOlearnSol ADC that was useless most of the timeHas played jungle as than, but is complete ass
Season 10  RyujinSenpaiTerrible jungle had no clue where to go or what to do
Season 10  Zack1100Mediocre Jung as Thor, not much to say here
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