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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  nucky6Jungle Thanatos was initiating crazy fights without a frontline
Season 10  NWOxEzhnoNADecent Mid, his build was a little
Season 10  LAV FBMeh Vulcan mid, nothing special here
Season 10  SrCheerNovaAnubis Solo only won cause he was carried
Season 10  FleX-xXiNn4uPoseidon Jungle that was just meh
Season 10  blazed-winduThis Chernobog ADC was meh
Season 10  Dustinishere0L2Terrible supp that goes damage
Season 10  Whitos6Mid as Janus but couldn’t rotate like he should
Season 10  IBTheGreatest1Sol ADC that was useless most of the time
Season 10  llllMetaAnhur support troll pick apparently
Season 10  l3ubbles__Went Bakasura Solo and was bitchin all game, useless
Season 10  Smegmagician_Decent Mid, but picks Set
Season 10  CruelWarWickJust a no good ADC, picked Cernunos, but was always frontlining
Season 10  ItsLuisJH__CRTrolly Cabrakan Solo, runs the lane, but doesn’t go to teamfights on time
Season 10  ItsFatBunny_CRBakasura Jungle, he wasn’t that bad
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